The star Aldebaran (or alpha Tauri) is the brightest in the constellation of Taurus. The Star Aldebaran The star Aldebaran (or alpha Tauri) is the brightest in the constellation of Taurus. It is traditionally known as the red eye of the bull because its location in the image determined for
- 27 February 2020
Accrux is the Latinized form to Alpha Crucis; it is the brightest star from the asterism known as the constellation of Southern Cross (Crux Australis). Accrux – Brightest Star of the Southern Cross Accrux is the Latinized form to Alpha Crucis; it is the brightest star from the asterism known
- 27 February 2020
Achernar is the last brightest star on the River of Eridanus. Its name comes from the Arabic Al Ahir al Nahr, which means “the End of the River.” It is located at 14.57 degree Pisces – The bright star at the mouth of the river, Achernar is the Alpha Eridanus.
- 26 February 2020
In ancient times, the four Royal Stars: Regulus, Fomalhaut, Aldebaran, and Antares, were considered “Guardians of the Whole Sky” due to their splendor and brightness. The Royal Stars of Ancient Persia The four Royal Stars of ancient Persia have long been part of the imagination of the people who inhabited
- 25 February 2020
To look at the stars and dream is not a new phenomenon: it is from old traditions that come primarily from the stories of the constellations. The Intuitive Nature of the Star Constellations and its Hidden Creatures The stars we are given. The constellations we make. That is to
- 24 February 2020
Currently, Science, through Astronomy, knows that in our Universe, nothing remains immobile, including the stars, even those that in Antiquity were defined as Fixed Stars. What are Fixed Stars and Why Are They Important?? Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own
- 23 February 2020
The Stellar Codes translate the energy of the Divine into an individual’s life by increasing the capacity to interact with one’s Soul through the enlargement of one’s Central Channel, or Antakarana. What Are the Stellar Codes and the Stellar Codes Matrix The Stellar Code Matrix is an enfoldment of Esoteric
- 19 February 2020
The window for Stellar Code Polaris is between 6 April and 16 May. Stellar Code Polaris – “A sailor must have his eye trained to the rocks and sands as well as the North Star” ~Proverbs The Ancient Greeks placed their deities in the night skies. Perseus, Poseidon, Oceanus,
- 25 June 2011
The window for Stellar Code Fomalhaut is between 15 February and 15 March. Stellar Code Fomalhaut, the Lonely Star of Aquarius Aquarius is, no doubt, one of the oldest constellations to be traced in the night sky. It was a very important part of the culture and imagination of the
- 6 February 2011
The window for Stellar Code Lyra is between 16 January and 4 February. Stellar Code Lyra – Cygnus Cygnus is a northern constellation and is also known as the Northern Cross. Its name is the Latinized Hellenic, or Greek, word for swan. It is one of the most recognizable constellations
- 11 January 2011