Stellar Code – Spica 2010 Teleconference
Spica Stellar Codes

The window for Stellar Code Spica runs between 12 September 2010 and 16 October 2010.  We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Stellar Code Spica 2010 Teleconference.

Listen to the Stellar Code – Spica 2010 Teleconference

Spica 2010 Teleconference Stellar Codes

Virgo represents the womb of form, guarding the Christ-consciousness within her own substance while God’s plan unfolds and she can give birth to the Christic child within us at the appointed time.

Spica represents the sacred womb of Virgo the Virgin.  The Stellar Code™ – Spica Attunement and Initiation will consist of three empowerments for the transformative stage of spiritual chrysalis to bring to birth the awakening of the Christ Consciousness within the Initiate.

This is a unique opportunity to access and anchor the Divine Feminine through the archetype of Virgo.  Both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are necessary facets for the balancing of the polarities needed for the true alchemization of the Soul and birth of the Christ-consciousness within us.

The Stellar™ Code – Spica Initiation is one of the strands of the Cord of the Lightweaver.

We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Teleconference.  As promised, we are posting the recording of the teleconference for the benefit of those who could not attend.

Please note that the window of time to receive the Spica Attunement – 2010 ends on 16 October.  If you are interested in receiving the Attunement and Initiation, please sign up for it in the Members Area of the Online University in the Menu at the top of the page.


Stellar Code™ – Spica 2010 Teleconference


Stellar Code™ – Spica 2010 Teleconference Questions and Answers



To learn more about Stellar Code Spica, visit Stellar Code Spica

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