The window for Stellar Code Fomalhaut is between 15 February and 15 March. Stellar Code Fomalhaut, the Lonely Star of Aquarius Aquarius is, no doubt, one of the oldest constellations to be traced in the night sky. It was a very important part of the culture and imagination of the
The window for Stellar Code Lyra is between 16 January and 4 February. Stellar Code Lyra – Cygnus Cygnus is a northern constellation and is also known as the Northern Cross. Its name is the Latinized Hellenic, or Greek, word for swan. It is one of the most recognizable constellations
The window for Stellar Code Chiron is between 5 December and 6 January. Stellar Code Chiron – Integrating the Wounded Healer Sagittarius is a large constellation best viewed in early summer. The constellation as a whole is distinctive for looking like a teapot, complete with spout and handle. The most
The window for Stellar Code Orion is between 5 December and 6 January. Stellar Code Orion – The Guardians of the Hall of Records The familiar winter constellation Orion the Hunter can be seen rising in the evening sky during Sagittarius, marking the approach of winter, no matter what the
The window for Stellar Code Antares is between 23 October and 19 November. Stellar Code Antares – The Antares Codex Antares, a first-magnitude red supergiant, is found in the constellation Scorpio and is the 14th brightest star in the heavens. Antares is the Heart of the Scorpion. In the Greek
The window for Stellar Code Arcturus runs between Stellar Code Arcturus “…which maketh Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades and the Chambers to the South.” ~ Job 9:9 Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes, a golden star located above, or to the north of, Spica in the night
The period for the Stellar Code Sirius Attunement and Initiation for 2010 ended on 20 August and the Stellar Code Sirius Feedback we have received is incredible! Stellar Code Sirius Sirius Attunement and Initiation Feedback The period for the Stellar Code™ – Sirius Attunement and Initiation for 2010 ended on
The window for Stellar Code Spica runs between 12 September 2010 and 16 October 2010. We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Stellar Code Spica 2010 Teleconference. Listen to the Stellar Code – Spica 2010 Teleconference Virgo represents the womb of form, guarding the Christ-consciousness within her
The window for Stellar Code Spica runs between 12 September and 16 October. Stellar Code Spica: The Heavenly Holy Grail Spica is a night star that is regarded by astronomers as the standard example of a first magnitude star. It is a brilliant flushed white helium-type star, the 16th brightest
We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Stellar Code – Sirius 2010 Teleconference. Stellar Code Sirius offers to the Travelers of the Sacred Path a new opportunity, regeneration and a correction to the internal compass of the Soul. The Soul Light within us is ever increasingly aware